6 Fast Facts About Enterprise, Alabama

Facts About Enterprise, Alabama

Every city has its story, and Enterprise is no different. Our South Alabama town rests smack dab in the middle of Wiregrass country—and we’re quite proud of our roots. But how much do you know about our history and culture? These facts about Enterprise, Alabama may lend some perspective about our community.

Enterprise has entrepreneurial roots.

The entrepreneur John Henry Carmichael founded Enterprise. Settling here in 1881, he set up shop on modern-day North Main Street. After that, in 1882, Enterprise’s first post office opened.

We briefly held the state’s cotton economy.

At the turn of the 20th century, Enterprise sat at the center of Alabama’s cotton industry. Accompanying this, between 1896 and 1906, Enterpise’s population jumped from 250 people to more than 3,700.

The boll weevil was bane—then boon.

In 1915, disaster struck in the form of the boll weevil, a cotton pest that originated in Mexico. Regional farmers swapped crops, from cotton to corn and peanuts, because of the pest’s arrival. Surprisingly, the boll weevil actually rescued Enterprise and the surrounding area’s economy. In 1919, residents commemorated the pest’s role in the economy’s resurgence with the Boll Weevil Monument.

We had a hand in Doppler radar.

The Enterprise Electronics Corporation played a part in developing Doppler radar in 1981. That’s right, some facts about Enterprise, Alabama go beyond belief, helping spark our current weather forecasting system.

Enterprise is historic.

The National Register of Historic Places lists many sites in Enterprise on its registry. The Boll Weevil Monument in historic town square, Rawls Hotel, and the Seaboard Coastline Depot all make the list. And all of these were erected in the early 1900s.

We can boast small.

Facts about Enterprise, Alabama wouldn’t be complete without a mention of our itty bitty St. Paddy’s Day parade. Enterprise boasts the world’s smallest St. Patrick’s Day parade in March, with one lucky leprechaun prancing through our streets!


There’s a little bit of everything in Enterprise, including a rich history and culture. Enterprise is also a great place to live life today! We’d be thrilled if you came and lived it with us at Summer Court. Have a look for yourself at our lifestyle. Plus, you can look at other points of interest that might strike your fancy on our blog!